Gabby Lopez 22-23 CVUSD SDAC Rep

Our own Gabby Lopez is serving as the Student Board of Education Representative for the 2022-2023 School Year.

Meet Gabby Lopez: SDAC Student Board of Education Representative for the 2022-2023 School Year

Please join us in welcoming Gabby Lopez to her new role as the Student District Advisory Committee (SDAC) Student Board of Education Representative for the 2022-2023 academic year!

Ms. Lopez is a 12th grade student at Thousand Oaks High School, and she is the first student from TOHS to serve as the SDAC Student Board of Education representative.

“I look forward to using my position to bring student input to the forefront of district discussions and decisions on long-standing, current, and future issues,” Ms. Lopez said.

This is the fourth consecutive school year that a student from the Student District Advisory Committee (SDAC) will serve as a Student Board of Education Representative.

SDAC is made up of approximately 3-6 students from each high school site. The Student DAC representatives meet every other month with CVUSD Assistant Superintendents and Directors to discuss policies, events and important topics concerning students and the district. More about the mission/purpose of SDAC is available on the dedicated SDAC website.

SDAC welcomes student input at their monthly meetings via public comment. Students can also communicate with SDAC via their Instagram: @CVUSD_studentdac, and through outreach to any of the SDAC representatives from CVUSD’s five high school sites.

Welcome, Ms. Lopez! We look forward to having you on the dais for the 2022-2023 school year!

The article originally appeared on the Conejo USD website.


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